Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Random Find

Today while I was searching for some other items, I spotted a few items miss-shelved between the PN3355 and the PN3453 sections. One of those was a long missing PN3448 .A3 G73 1991 shelved with the PN3355 and not even close to the A’s in the cutter. Now, I know I recently posted about a book in this section (see Number Scramble post from March 27th), but really what is up with this section?! I’m starting to believe that there is something in the air in regards to books on fiction as well as books on the types of fiction!

I’m not sure how exactly this could have been miss-shelved other than a patron randomly placed it on the shelf after deciding s/he didn’t really need it after all. Lately, I have been making such discoveries and only after I’ve given up all hope of finding it by scrambling around letters and numbers and simply starting to peruse the shelves to see if I can spot it. Nine times out of ten, I find such items on the same row where books would be if shelved properly.

So, a lesson for me (especially when training new assistants) and a lesson for you the reader, is to scan the shelves on the row because you never know where you will find that missing book.

Happy Searching folks!

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