A good tip and a cardinal rule really is to always remember
is to look behind the shelf of books of which you are searching even if that
shelf is not where the book ought to be but could be.
Well for a couple of weeks, I have been breaking this rule
and ignoring my own tip when one of my student assistants found one of our
missings hiding behind some other books on a shelf several shelves below where
it ought to have been. It didn’t look
like it had fallen between the shelves (our shelves are metal with a nice sized
gap formed with the sections from the next row.
Instead, after the book had already been miss-shelved, another shelver
(whether it was patron or employee is unclear) had crammed several books in front
of our poor missing book to the back and thus concealing it from view.
In case anyone was wondering what missing book it was, Practical Research Planning and Design
Q180.55.M4 L43 2013, a nasty section on its own because of the decimal (there
happens to be several books bearing 180.5) and because there are several “M”
cutters that tend to confuse the eye.
So an important lesson and Cardinal Rule #1: Always check behind the books on the shelf of
which you are learning.
Happy Searching! J
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